EURid bezieht Stellung
Das Problem der Registrierung generischer Bezeichnungen in der .eu-Sunrise Period aufgrund jüngster Markeneintragungen wird diskutiert. Auch EURid nahm das zur Kenntnis und hat eine angemessene und vertretbare Stellungnahme abgegeben. Dort heisst es u. a.:
There was a consensus not to accept such a limitation, not only because there is no support for it in the PPR (Public Policy Rules,) but also because it would disadvantage new companies or new initiatives within existing companies. That this would allow some people to register “popular” or “generic” names was considered a minor problem since the requested domain names would still need to be protected by an intellectual property right and the main objective of the Sunrise period i.e. to protect those with a prior right, would certainly be achieved.Das liest sich alles sehr vernünftig.
dading - 4. Apr, 21:04
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