No. 7: EURid NL
Die aktuelle Ausgabe des EURid-Newsletters (es ist die Nr. 7), findet man wieder mal einen schönen Hinweis für die Registrare, die diese dann an die Kunden weitergeben können:
Is the applicant a company or an individual?… mit der Folge, dass zahlreiche Anmeldungen nochmals vorgenommen werden müssen, bei gleichzeitiger erneuter Erhebung der Anmeldegebühren.
Judging by the number of calls we get, we understand that there still is some confusion about the fields “Name” and “Organisation” for the applicant data when you send in an application.
If the field for organisation is filled in, the organisation (company) is regarded to be the applicant and hence the holder of the prior right, even if there also is a name of an individual filled in in the “Name” field. The name is then regarded as a contact name.
If only the “Name” field is used and the field for organisation is left empty, then the individual person in the “Name” field is regarded as the applicant and the holder of the prior right.
dading - 10. Mär, 11:14
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